finelaser en 2023

1WTmeiiTme1W10WFINELASER 02Image of laser transmission within the tissue* 830nm single wavelength comparisonFINELASER’s high-powered, pulsed laser beam reaches deep tissue fastPrevious modelFINELASERSkin surfaceThe “Touch Sensor Mode” will detect when the tip of the applicator comes into contact with the treatment area, activating the laser and irradiating the treatment areas. Treatment can be performed safely with the applicator automatically stopping when taken off the treatment area.Touch Sensor ModeAverage OutputPeak outputPower20msPower10WPulseduty10%180msReach deep tissue with high-power,pulsed laser therapy FINELASER’s 1W average/10W-peak, pulsed laser beam is a signi■cant upgrade over our prior laser therapy device’s 1W, continuous beam. As a pulsed laser beam is intermittent, cooling takes place during the intervals between emissions, allowing a su■ciently intense beam to reach deep tissue safely without generating heat.High tissue permeability at awavelength of 830nmFINELASER’s 830nm wavelength laser beam is resistant to absorption by water and hemoglobin, resulting in excellent transmission to and e■ective treatment of deep tissue.When direct contact irradiation is not desired such as when pain in the affected areas are intense, treatment without direct contact to the affected area by the tip of the applicator is possible by using the “Hand Switch Mode.”Hand Switch ModeContinuousirradiationPulseirradiation10W1WComparison of continuous and pulsed laser therapyHigh-powered, pulsed laser Touch Sensor and Hand Switch ModeIrradiation

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