GD-800 EN

This Compact-DC Stimulator is an electrical stimulator developed to be used in the fi eld of neuromodulation.This compact device is portable and comfortable to wear for use in reha-bilitation such as therapeutic exercise and occupational therapy.It greatly expands the possibilities of treatment in the medical and re-search fi elds.[GD-800]Its compact size allows it to be worn on the upper arm.The treatment can be combined with conventional rehabilitation techniques.The 2.0 mA output allows for approximately three hours of continuous use.The rechargeable batteries are user-replaceable.It is able to store up to 250 treatment records, and the data can be downloaded and saved on a computer.The treatment uses a weak DC current of up to 2.0 mA.The device can be recharged using any general USB charger.It can be recharged from 0 to 100% in less than four hours.It is possible to check whether the electrode is properly attached.* A standard paperback novel weighing 150 g (300 pages).33-Hour BatteryLog DatabaseWearableSimpleUSB Battery ChargerInspect ResistDirect CurrentMade in JapanThis compact electrical simulator weighs less than a paperback novel* and can be comfortably worna paperback novel* and can be comfortably worn

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