ives en 2023

03 IVESMovementCommand fromthe Brain“IVES 2-pole gel electrode”Reads the EMG signal generated bythe movement command. ElectricalStimulationElectrical stimulation that is proportionalto the EMG signal is output between thesetwo electrodes. The EMG signal can be easily detected, even with patients with weak voluntarymuscular activity.By observing the LED lamps that indicate the EMG signal, the generated force can be visually confirmed. Compared to the previous model (PAS system GD-601), the upper limit of the sensitivity has been increased by 20%, thus enabling the EMG signal to be easily detected, even for patients with weak muscular activity.“IVES gel electrode”When an EMG signal is detected,this part becomes a groundingelectrode, enabling the referencepotential to be determined.Power Assist Mode is the core mode of IVES™. The unit detects the movement of a muscle (EMG signal), and applies electrical stimulation that is proportional to the EMG signal.GD-611GD-612A mode applying electrical stimulation proportional tothe EMG signals generated by voluntary movementPAPowerAssist

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