ives en 2023

05 IVESOutputs electrical stimulation which is proportional to the EMG signal on the non-paralyzed side.This mode detects an EMG signal on the non-paralyzed side, and outputs electrical stimulation proportional to it to the paralyzed side. Can also be used on patients with severe paralysis, where an EMG signal cannot be detected.(Only in GD-611)ElectricalStimulationEMG signalParalyzedside Reaction toelectrical stimulationThis mode continuously feeds a constant amount of electrical stimulation set in advance, without detecting an EMG signal.(Only in GD-611)ElectricalStimulationExternal Assist ModeNormal ModeThis mode detects an EMG signal on the non-paralyzed side, and outputs electrical stimulation proportional to it to the paralyzed side(GD-611 only).This is one of the modes that outputs electrical stimulation according to the EMG signal generated by voluntary movement. Whereas the Power Assist Mode detects an EMG signal from the paralyzed side, the External Assist Mode detects an EMG signal on the non-paralyzed side, and outputs electrical stimulation proportional to it.EAEANExternalAssistMo

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