microthermy en 2023

Rated outputTreatment timeSafety functionApplicator shape* Other speci■ cations are the same as the ME-9250.MICRO THERMYME-9250 A microwave therapy device with two two-way applicators.Product nameRated power supplyPower inputExternal dimensionsWeightFrequencyOutput modeMICRO THERMYME-9150A microwave therapy device with a two-way applicator.Product namePower inputWeightApplicator shapeMicrowave Therapy Device ME-9250AC 110 V/220 V/230 V/240 V 50/60 Hz1400 VA + 10% or lessApprox. 493 × 482 × 1170 (H) mmApprox. 40–52 kg2450 ± 50 MHzContinuous output mode/intermittent output modeContinuous output mode: 125 W continuous (output control 5–125 W, 5 W increments)Intermittent output mode: 200 W at peak/125 W average (average output control 5–125 W)1–30 minutes (1-minute increments)Over power protection circuit integrated, Output limit function (5 to 125 W), “Zero-start” safety featureFlexible applicator × 2 Microwave Therapy Device ME-9150750 VA + 10% or lessApprox. 30–35 kgFlexible applicator × 1ME-9250ME-9150Made in JapanMade in JapanSpecificationsPHYSIOTHERAPY DEVICES02

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