Special Feature 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5Special Feature 1 Low frequency modeSpecial Feature 2 Medium frequency modeSpecial Feature 3 Interferential wave modeSpecial Feature 4 Fusion modeSpecial Feature 5Treatment mode settings can be configured for a two-channel pair.Treatment mode settings can be configured for two-channels at a time. This makes it possible to select the treatment mode based on the symptoms of the treated area, streamlining treat-ments and improving machine availability.A mode providing treatment through low frequency pulse stimulations. This is expected to provide persistent pain relief. This treatment mode is optimally suited for limited range treat-ment areas and for providing stimulation to specific affected areas.A mode providing treatment through medium frequency pulse stimulations. This helps muscle contraction and, if com-bined with sequence settings, can be a highly effective means of muscle stimulation.For treatment, beat-frequency interference is used by com-bining currents in the body. This treatment pattern provides a rhythmical ‘tapping’ and ‘massaging’ type of stimulation effect.This treatment mode combines the interferential wave and low frequency modes together, automatically shifting between the two. This provides a great variety of stimulations, helping to prevent the body from “getting used to” electrical stimulation therapy.A Three-in-OneMediumFrequencyInterferentialWave ModeModeDeviceLowFrequencyModeFeature 1 Electrical Stimulation Therapy3-in-1Offers low frequency, medium frequency and interferential wave treatments with just this 1 device. Also, by including a Fusion Mode which integrates the low frequency and interferential wave, provides a never-before-felt stimulation sensationPictures01
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