physisonic status en 2023

Special Feature 1Option 01StatUS for ES-702Gelpad StatUS03Special Feature 1Hands-free therapy with the StatUS applicatorStatUS ApplicatorApplicators from previous models and gels0102Fixation ring gelpad StatUSStatUS ApplicatorStatUS Exclusive Gel Pad03ES7-002CT7-006CT7-007Product name/Product number/Minimum ordering unit1 set1 set (48 sheets x 5 pieces)1 set (3 pieces)Ultrasound therapy can be performed hands-free by using the StatUS applicator, an ultrasound transducer built into a suction cup, in the dedicated output mode. Can focus on the therapy, without having to hold the applicator while providing treat-ment. With the StatUS applicator and the specialized gel pads, the appropriate position is maintained for the body part to be treated. Prevents the occurrence of hot-spots by the exclusive output mode.PHYSISONIC / StatUS (Option)Feature 3OptionHands-free therapy (option StatUS)No need to hold the applicator throughout the treatmentPictures05

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