physisystem status en 2023

Pictures+By adding StatUS, can access up to 1MHzL-applicator S-applicator • Subdeltoid bursitis • Type I lateral epicondylitis(tendon and bone connec-tive tissue) • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Sciatica• Lumbago (nonspecific) • Gonarthrosis • Promotion of triceps• Pain in the calcaneal region3MHzAn image of the “pulse mode” and “continuous mode” Special Feature 1Special Feature 2Acute phaseSpecial Feature 3Special Feature 4Special Feature 4Clinical protocol examples Ultrasound therapySpecial Feature 1Choose from 1MHz or 3MHz for just the right treatment The frequency can be set to 1MHz for deeper tissue or to 3MHz to treat areas closer to the surface, enabling just the right treatment for the aff ected area.Special Feature 2Covers acute and chronic stages with the pulse mode and continuous mode Adjusting the duty cycle results in thermal or non-ther-mal eff ects. Thermal eff ect is good for improving the extensibility of soft tissue and for pain mitigation for chronic conditions. Non-thermal eff ect can be used with acute conditions to enhance treatment of tissue. Special Feature 32 applicator head sizes to suit each affected area Choose between the large and small applicator heads to provide the appropriate treatment for the aff ected area. These applicators have been ergonomically designed to fi t comfortably in your hands. Special Feature 4Clinical protocols show treatment areas and present other treatment information in an easy to understand manner The liquid crystal display presents an easy to understand guide of details for all 25 clinical protocols. Special Feature 5Dual stimulating modeCan provide individual therapies simultaneously with two types of applicators. Can save time on treatment hours for various body parts. With a variety of protocols, can provide treatments according to the symptoms.SkinsurfaceNon-thermal Effect* Pulse intervals shown (msec) are at a pulse frequency of 100Hz Output : Rest 1msec : 9msec Output : Rest 2msec : 8msec Output : Rest 5msec : 5msec Output : Rest 10msec : 0msecSubacute phasePain ReliefControlChronic phaseThermalEffect(continuous)75 types of clinical protocols. PHYSISYSTEM / CT-7StatUS(Option)Feature 3Ultrasound therapy25 treatment protocols The large and small applicators provide the appropriate treatment for each treatment area 09

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