physisystem status en 2023

+Special Feature 1Special Feature 1Special Feature 1Special Feature 1Simultaneous output of electrical stimulation and ultrasoundCombination therapy can be performed by simultane-ous output of electrical stimulation and ultrasound. The ultrasound applicator can simultaneously emit both electrical current and ultrasound. PHYSISYSTEM comes with two pre-programmed, evidence-based protocols for combination therapy: Electrodiagnosis of Tender points in Fibromyalgia" and "Treatment of Tender points.”Hands-free therapy with the StuatUS appricator Ultrasound therapy can be performed hands-free by using the StatUS applicator, an ultrasound transducer built into a suction cup, in the dedicated output mode. Can focus on the therapy, without having to hold the applicator while providing treat-ment. With the StatUS applicator and the specialized gel pads, the appropriate position is maintained for the body part to be treated. Prevents the occurrence of hot spots by the exclusive output mode.Combination TherapyStatUS ApplicatorApplicators from the previous model and gelsStatUS ApplicatorStatUS Exclusive Gel PadSkin SurfaceElectrical stimulationElectrical Stimulation Ultrasound TherapyTherapyUltrasoundFeature 4Feature 5PHYSIOTHERAPY DEVICESCombination TherapyTherapy treatment that combines electrotherapy and ultrasound therapyThe ultrasound applicator can simultaneously emit both electrical current and ultrasound Hands-free therapy (optional StatUS)No need to hold the applicator throughout the treatmentPicturesPictures10

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