
Special Feature 1Special Feature 2Special Feature 4Special Feature 3Special Feature 1Saddle height adjustable in just one-step Gas spring lifting mechanism allows caregivers to help the user stand up without having to exert strength.Special Feature 2Quick leverThe arm rest height can be smoothly adjusted by using the quick fixing lever.Special Feature 3Casters for greater safetyThe wide casters prevent the wheels from getting stuck in ele-vator gaps and allow for safe operation when range expanded.Special Feature 4Smooth transfersThe saddle height can be freely adjusted in a single motion. Simply set the saddle height to the height of the wheelchair or the bed.Gas spring-type standing assistance mechanismQuick LeverSmoothly transfer to the saddleCasterSaddle height adjustable in a single motionWalking aloneFeature 1SAFETY WALKER Mobility AssistanceAdjustable saddle height for easy transfersEven caregivers with minimal strength can help the user stand up Pictures01

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