OG Wellness

Privacy Policy

Personal data protection policy

OG Wellness will treat the protection of your personal data as our social responsibility according to the following principles.

  • We will handle the obtaining, usage, management, and supply of personal data in a legal and fair manner.
  • We are committed to preventing accidents that lead to the unauthorized access to or the loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal data.
  • We will comply with laws, guidelines, and other standards regarding the protection of personal data.
  • We are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our systems for protecting personal data in response to changes in the environment as well as in the content of our work.

Official announcements based on personal-data protection laws

1. Obtaining personal data

This company will obtain personal data through legal and fair means.

  • When we directly obtain personal data from you that is recorded in written form or otherwise, we will clearly indicate the purpose of use each time. When we obtain personal data directly through other means, or indirectly obtain personal data, we will handle it within the range of the following use purposes.

2. Use purposes of personal data

  • All kinds of transactions with and services for our customers as part of our operations defined within our company statues; management of purchase history, etc.; provision of information and communication regarding products and services
  • Administrative work regarding requests for or collection or payment, etc., of charges
  • Handling inquiries from customers as well as communication in exhibitions, conferences, etc.
  • Application procedures for courses; information on our various courses; management of lecture attendance history and communication
  • Sending of publications from our company, as well as information on these publications
  • Tracking of medical equipment; handling inquiries from and providing information to medical institutions, etc.
  • Handling inquiries from and communications with customers in our call center, as well as recording these inquiries and communications
  • Sending our company’s catalogs, surveys, etc., and providing information regarding our products and services
  • Handling inquiries from and communications with job applicants

3. Use purposes of personal data

Apart from the cases permitted in the relevant laws, we may also provide your personal data to our subcontractor agents with whom we have made contracts, for the use purposes specified in “Use purposes of personal data” below. Among the third parties we provide your data to, some are located in countries outside the European Union. When you consent to this privacy policy, you are giving your consent to the following items.

  • That your personal data will be provided and processed for these use purposes specified in “Use purposes of personal data”
  • That your personal data will be provided to third parties located in countries outside the EU

4. On advertising from third-party operators using cookies

This company’s advertisements are on various websites around the Internet belonging to third-party transmission operators. These third-party operators use cookies to display advertisements based on information on past access to this home page.

*The third-party sites can be accessed to deactivate the advertising services provided by these third parties (or the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative can be accessed to deactivate the use of cookies by third-party transmission operators)

The data we collect may be used to improve the services on our website and its user-friendliness, as well as to improve the quality of site content and marketing; however, we will not identify you as an individual. Moreover, we will not use your data for purposes other than the above. Google Analytics uses cookies and collects logs that do not include information that identifies individuals. The logs collected are managed according to Google’s privacy policy.

5. The management of personal data

We take the following safety management measures regarding personal data.

  • We maintain personal data in a correct and updated state.
  • We take security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, and other threats in order to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc. of personal data.
  • Data is redirected to Japan and stored on the servers of OG Wellness in Japan.
  • OG Wellness stores data appropriately according to Japanese data-protection systems which have been recognized to be equivalent to GDPR in the European Economic Area.

6. Complaints or requests to release, correct, or stop usage of personal data

We will respond appropriately to complaints or requests to release, correct, or stop using your own personal data. If you wish to make a request for us to release, correct, or stop usage of your personal data, please download the request form for release, correction, or cessation of usage of stored personal data (PDF) from our home page, fill in all the required information, enclose a document for the purpose of personal identification (a copy of your driving license, passport, or another document that can identify you), and mail the form and documents to our address below.
If respondents are unhappy with the data used by OG Wellness, they have the option to file a complaint at the relevant supervisory agency in the EEA. Respondents have the right to withdraw from this contract at any time, and this withdrawal does not affect the previous handling of data.

7. Storage of data

We will store your personal data only as long as it is necessary to provide services to you. If this necessity is no longer present, we will promptly erase the data.

OG Wellness General Affairs Department :

1835-7 Miyoshi Naka-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, 703-8261, Japan
TEL (086)277-7181 (switchboard number)
FAX (086)274-9072

Request for release, correction, cessation of usage, etc. of stored personal data

In addition to filling in all the required items in the following form, please attach a document for the purposes of personal identification (a copy of your driving license, passport, or another document that can identify you). Download request form


Download request form

All types of inquiries

Complaints from customers will be received through “Contact Us”.


Contact Us